Examples of Grantees
​Believing, as Mr. Kazanjian did, that economic literacy is for everyone, the Foundation seeks projects that help students and adults often identified as “at-risk” of not participating in the market economy. From a contemporary and historical perspective, the Foundation has sponsored a variety of projects that measure economic understanding, and evaluates economic literacy projects in an effort to find out what kind of economic education works best. Economics is often considered an abstract subject, not relevant or interesting to students or adults, and therefore the Foundation seeks out projects that make the subject more interesting and easily taught in the nation’s schools and colleges.
"We want more happiness and prosperity, but to get more good things we must earn them. To become more prosperous we must create prosperity. Prosperity, you see, has to be created before it can be had."
- Calvin K. Kazanjian
Past Funding Examples:
OpenStax Free Economics Textbook and Learning Platform
OpenStax AI Tutoring
SIFMA Foundation Stock Market Game Simulation
Council for Economic Education Voluntary National Economics Education Standards and Framework
Economic education programs to teachers or social workers to multiply the impact on the population they serve